Multipurpose Repair Mortar – high-strength, multipurpose, unique
Concrete repair with CEMENT ALL when mixed with water produces a workable, high quality repair material that is ideal where rapid strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage are desired. Apply CEMENT ALL in thickness from 0 – 100 mm. Durable in wet environments.
Concrete repair begins with the preparation of the concrete surface – roughening and removing of all damaged or contaminated concrete. The concrete surface must be free from oil, paint, acids, dirt or other materials impeding a good bond. Prior to the application the concrete repair surface has to be saturated with water, avoiding the formation of puddles. After preparing the surface the CEMENT ALL mortar is mixed. Immediately after mixing, CEMENT ALL is applied and stroke-off to desired level. Rapid Set is fast and does not bleed water, thus the final finish can be applied immediately after placement. The surface repaired with CEMENT ALL is water cured. The objective of water curing is to maintain a wet surface until CEMENT ALL has gained sufficient strength. Water curing should begin as soon as the surface has lost its moist sheen and continue for a minimum of 1 hour.
CEMENT ALL is a blend of high-performance Rapid Set Cement with fine graded sand. It provides rapid strength gain, high durability and low shrinkage. It is used for grouting, anchoring, leveling and general concrete repair. Simply mix with water and it will reach structural strength in 1 hour.
No. The high-performance properties are due to the Rapid Set Cement in the mix.
Rapid Set reduces the waiting time before coating. Under dry conditions water-based coating materials such as latex paint can be applied as soon as the product is hardened and dry which usually takes 1 – 4 hours. Solvent-based products as well as impermeable coatings such as oil based paint and epoxy can be applied in 16 hours.
Experience has shown that some coating material can be applied in much less time. The manufacturer’s recommendations for surface conditions should be observed.
Bonding agents are not required. Proper surface preparation is crucial for achieving a good bond. If bonding agents are desired, they should be used as a supplement to a proper surface preparation, not as a substitute.
Blending with other products may give unpredictable results and is not recommended. The use of Rapid Set approved additives and various colors is possible.
from 0 to 100 mm
CEMENT ALL is a multi-functional product. The most common fields of application are concrete repairs, grouting, anchoring, casting and underlayment.
Just add water. Recommended is the use of a mechanical mixer such as a mortar mixer or a drill mounted mixer. Organize work so that all required people and equipment is in place before mixing.
CEMENT ALL can be placed in traditional methods and stroke-off to the desired level. CEMENT ALL is fast and does not bleed water thus the final finish can be applied immediately after placement. To ensure effective working, organize people and qualified tools.
For flat works, place the full thickness and proceed horizontally. DO NOT place in layers.
All Rapid Set placements are cured with water. The objective of water curing is to maintain a wet surface until the product has achieved sufficient strength. Curing begins as soon as the surface has lost its moist sheen and is continued for a minimum of 1 hour.
The working time can be increased by lowering the mixing temperature or by adding retarding additives. Temperature can be lowered by keeping the product cool and using chilled mix water. The addition of Set Control from Concrete Pharmacy increases the working time.
Yes. The color of CEMENT ALL can be modified by using dry powder pigments designed for use in cementitious building materials.
Roughening of the surface and removal of all damaged and contaminated concrete. The repair surface must be free from oil, paint, acids, dirt or other materials impeding a good bond. Prior to the placement, the repair surface has to be saturated with water, avoiding the formation of puddles.
One bag CEMENT ALL yields in approx. 13 l ready mix. For specific details on placement, please contact the manufacturer.
Yes, CEMENT ALL is produced with Rapid Set Cement which is a hydraulic cement. Hydraulic cements harden under water.
When stored in a dry location, in undamaged packaging, CEMENT ALL has a shelf-life of approx. 9 months.
Cold temperature will slow the setting time of CEMENT ALL; warm temperature will speed it up. Greater fluctuations in temperature will have a more pronounced affect.