
MICROTOP® – shotcrete mortar for drinking water reservoirs

Drinking water is considered the key resource of the 21st century for mankind and economy. Everyone needs the liquid raw material. Most importantly is to ensure permanently highest quality and purity of drinking water. The regulations for drinking water for the individual countries ensure the daily supply of hygienic impeccable drinking water.

In order to ensure sustainable and highest quality and purity, KORODUR developed with its product line MICROTOP a mineral, microsilica-modified shotcrete mortar for the repair and new construction of drinking water reservoirs. The MICROTOP products comply with the work sheets and guide lines of the DVGW (German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water) and provide a natural, hygienic, wear-resistant, sustainable and also optically appealing coating of the drinking water reservoir.

World-wide utility companies trust in the high quality of the MICROTOP products. In particular specialized installers are convinced of the superior processing features. The MICROTOP product line includes products for wet-mix shotcreting method as well as for dry-mix shotcreting method. Coloured variants in the same qualities are available.

The following chart gives empirical values on the different application methods of the MICROTOP products.